United Nations Human Rights statement for the World Autism Awareness Day (2 april 2015)

MISE A JOUR du 5 avril 2015 : voici la TRADUCTION EN FRANCAIS de l’article des Nations Unies présenté et cité ci-dessous : Note : It is likely that the efforts of Erich of Autistic Minority Internatonal (to which we are contributing) have led the UN to decide to make this special statement about autistics. Erich participated to Lire plus …

About Girls and Women on the Autistic Spectrum

Please CLICK HERE for the presentation about About Girls and Women on the Autistic Spectrum  This presentation has been prepared for the conference “Re-Thinking Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in 2015 and beyond” held at UNESCO’s Paris Headquarters on the 4th of march, 2015, by Alliance Autiste member Laëtitia Sauvage, and our colleague from Autism Women Lire plus …

Rapport alternatif de l’Alliance Autiste au Comité des Droits de l’Enfant de l’ONU — Complementary report for the United Nations Child Rights Committee

L’Alliance Autiste vous invite à prendre connaissance de son Rapport alternatif au Comité des Droits de l’Enfant de l’ONU, au sujet de la France (Complementary report for the United Nations Child Rights Committee, regarding France) Publication sur le site de l’ONU : https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=INT%2fCRC%2fNGO%2fFRA%2f19702&Lang=fr [FR] https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CRC/Shared%20Documents/FRA/INT_CRC_NGO_FRA_19702_F.docx [EN] https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CRC/Shared%20Documents/FRA/INT_CRC_NGO_FRA_19702_E.docx Ce « contre-rapport » sera examiné en juin 2015 par Lire plus …

Contribution to the statement of Alliance Autiste concerning the conference “Affinity Therapy” in Rennes, France

Please click here : Contribution to the statement of Alliance Autiste about the Affinity Therapy conference in Rennes This is a translation of the first part of the AA statement, available here.

Autistics interests and Affinity Therapy VS. French psychoanalysts interests

No time to write a correct « statement » (sorry) : I paste below a message I’ve just sent to Mr. Ron Suskind and his crew. This is about the problematic exploitation of ourselves and our ideas by the psychoanalytic lobby, namely through this « Colloque International« . Dear Mr.  Ron Suskind, dear Jessica, First of all, thanks so Lire plus …

AMI-AA-ESH joint contribution to the United Nations OHCHR study on the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and to be included in the community

Click here to download the joint contribution of – Autistic Minority International (AMI) – Alliance Autiste (AA) (France) – Enthinderungsselbsthilfe von Autisten für Autisten (und Angehörige) (ESH) (Germany) to the United Nations Office of the High Commissionner for Human Rights study on the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and to be included Lire plus …